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FG N860

Connecteurs électriques N8

These cables are use for electrical connections and junctions of pumps and electrical components.

Fiche technique

  • Connector type M8 3 pin:
    • Number of contacts: 3
      Section cable: 0,34[mm]
      Locking system : ring nut M8
      Voltage supply:10÷36DC[V]
      Current supply: 4[A]
      Protection class: IP68
      External cable: cable PUR/5m
  • Connector type M8 4 pin:
    • Number of contacts: 4
      Section cable: 0,25[mm]
      Locking system : ring nut M8
      Voltage supply:10÷36DC[V]
      Current supply: 4[A]
      Protection class: IP68
      External cable: cable PUR/5m
  • Connetor type M12 4 pin:
    • Number of contacts: 4
      Section cable: 0,34[mm]
      Locking system : ring nut M12
      Voltage supply:10÷36DC[V]
      Current supply: 4[A]
      Protection class: IP67
      External cable: cable PUR/5m

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